About Me

So here's a little bit about me: my name is Samantha (Sam) and I'm a soon-to-be graduate (terrifying) from Boston University. I'm a Public Relations major and for my New Media class, our main project (I guess I should have seen this one coming), is to create a blog. I suppose I could have taken the sensible route and written about something career-related, but since there are plenty of blogs out there written by people who know a lot more about PR and have way more experience than I do, I went with something different.

I wanted something that could act as an escape from homework and internships and the seemingly never-ending job search, all of which sadly characterize my last college semester (and the last semester of all you other seniors, I'm sure). So, as an obsessive reader of Entertainment Weekly and IMDB.com, pop-culture just seemed like the natural thing to write about--the topic that I would most enjoy. The title of the blog, in case it's not as obvious as I think it is, represents books ("The Page"), movies and TV ("the Screen") and any other related stuff ("the In-Between"). It's also supposed to be a subtle play on "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."

I am currently the Media Relations Intern at the Museum of Science here in Boston, and I'm interested in exploring PR in publishing, entertainment, hospitality, and any other opportunities that come my way.  Here's hoping I find a job! Until then, I'll just have fun writing about pop-culture!